Signing on
By signing up to register with the club, all players need to be willing to follow the club rules, policies and code of conduct and the FA policies and rules. (These are included within the handbook so please have a read.) The club rules and policies are lined out below and all players must ensure they can follow and accept all stated.
To sign and train with Manea Utd Sirens, a player must show willingness to improve fitness, football skills and must have a commitment to the team.
The signing on fee, charged at the beginning of a new season, or when a new player wants to sign on must be paid in full (£25) by the 31st July or within 2 weeks of a new signing. Players must also pay the monthly training/match fees at £20 per month and this will be paid into the Manea Utd Sirens bank account, at the beginning of every month. If any player finds themselves in any financial difficulty for the duration of the season, please speak to the treasurers Adele or Chloe B.
The signing on fee is used to put towards the costing of kits, affiliation, insurances, and cup/league entry.
Monthly Fees
Your monthly fees will go towards pitch maintenance, referee fees, pitch fees, training costs for the winter, summer camp, equipment (including first aid kit) and end of year presentation. All monthly fees go a long way, and we are a non-profit club; these fees all go towards the running and upkeep of the club.
When a player signs on, any kit, training kit and jackets (unless purchased separately) belong to the club. If, for any reason a player decides to leave the club, kit and training kit should be handed back to the club (named tops can be kept).
As stated in the FA rules and code of conduct, any player who receives a yellow card or red card during a match, a fine will be incurred. This fine must be paid for by the player who received this caution and will NOT be paid for by the club. The fine can be anything from £12 up to £60.
Manea Siren’s Disciplinary and Code of Conduct Policy
Fun Fines
As a club, for us to run efficiently, fairly and with a bit of fun, we also have fines. These fines are purely for fundraising (monies raised for this will go towards the bar tab for end of season 2023/2024). Late fines will not be in place if prior notice is given. These are outlined below:
- Late to Training – £1.00
- Meeting Time Late – £2.00
- Matchday Late – £3.00
- Missing Kit – £1.00 per item
- No Water at Training – £2.00
- Own Goal in Training – £2.00
- Foul Throw – £2.00
- Subsequent Foul Throws – £3.00
- Refusal to Take Throws – £5.00
- Complaining of Tiredness – £1.00
Team Selection
All players should be aware that the club currently has 28 players signing on to the team, therefore it is not guaranteed that all players will be picked for the squad for matches. Only 16 players can be taken to any match. This should not impact the players commitment to the team and the squad for each and every game is chosen fairly by the coaches, taking into consideration the commitment, availability, and performance of each player. If there becomes a time that a player is available for a match but is not picked for the team that day, there is no expectation that the player attends the match, but it would be appreciated and noted if the player supports the team by spectating, running the line or on home matches, running the tuck. There will be an expectation that all players perform at least one of these roles for the club within a season if the opportunity arises.
FA Policies
The following polices have been adopted by the club :
FA Club Rules Constitution
FA Equality Policy
FA Football Leadership Diversity Code
FA Respect Code of Conduct
FA Safeguarding Children Policy (Adult Teams with U18 Players)